Slogun News

Launch of Slogun's New Pop Culture T-shirt Collection

Launch of Slogun's New Pop Culture T-shirt Coll...

Bold designs featuring classic lyrics from some of the biggest hits, cult classics and guilty pleasures of the pop culture era. Hopefully you know Slogun by now, we are purveyors...

Launch of Slogun's New Pop Culture T-shirt Coll...

Bold designs featuring classic lyrics from some of the biggest hits, cult classics and guilty pleasures of the pop culture era. Hopefully you know Slogun by now, we are purveyors...

Slogun Rebrand for Things Can Only Get Better

Slogun Rebrand for Things Can Only Get Better

Eagle eyed repeat visitors to the site will notice that we have relaunched as Slogun, our new brand name for the new post-election era. Our TCOGB T-shirts flew off the shelves during...

Slogun Rebrand for Things Can Only Get Better

Eagle eyed repeat visitors to the site will notice that we have relaunched as Slogun, our new brand name for the new post-election era. Our TCOGB T-shirts flew off the shelves during...

Mandelson Prescott Kinnock dance to New Labour Anthem Things Can Only Get Better to celebrate Blair victory. Starmer hopes for same after Sunak defeat at Election

The must-watch New Labour moment that started i...

We found it. It's grainy and water-marked by Getty but it's still brilliant. Peter Mandelson clapping like he's at a primary school assembly. Neil Kinnock grinning like a Cheshire Cat....

The must-watch New Labour moment that started i...

We found it. It's grainy and water-marked by Getty but it's still brilliant. Peter Mandelson clapping like he's at a primary school assembly. Neil Kinnock grinning like a Cheshire Cat....

DReam Things Can Only Get Better video is a New Labour anthem again after Sunak calls Election

Watch TCOGB video here

If you really want to watch the Things Can Only Get Better video here's a link. Clearly it would be much better if it included the footage of Mandelson, Prescott...

Watch TCOGB video here

If you really want to watch the Things Can Only Get Better video here's a link. Clearly it would be much better if it included the footage of Mandelson, Prescott...

Brian Cox says things can only get better for DReam and Starmer but worse for Sunak at the Election

Brian Cox on the Return of Things Can Only Get ...

  TV's Brian Cox clearly enjoyed the UK election announcement last week and the subsequent revival of Dream's Things Can Only Get Better. The track, famously associated with the Labour Party's 1997...

Brian Cox on the Return of Things Can Only Get ...

  TV's Brian Cox clearly enjoyed the UK election announcement last week and the subsequent revival of Dream's Things Can Only Get Better. The track, famously associated with the Labour Party's 1997...

Things can only get better by Dream becomes Labour anthem again after Sunak calls Election - band to play glastonbury

Things Can Only Get Better for D:Ream

Things Can Only Get Better, D:Ream's New Labour anthem, has been racing up the charts since it took a starring role in Sunak's general election announcement last week. It looks like...

Things Can Only Get Better for D:Ream

Things Can Only Get Better, D:Ream's New Labour anthem, has been racing up the charts since it took a starring role in Sunak's general election announcement last week. It looks like...